

6 Agencies jointly release advanced deeds of the "Most beautiful sci-tech workers"

Date:2023-07-25 13:45:24 Views:663

To inspire Chinese sci-tech workers to keep in mind both the strategic picture of the rejuvenation of Chinese nation and the country’s most fundamental interests, and encourage them to strive to fulfill the significant needs of the country and accelerate the process of building China into a science and technology giant, 6 agencies including the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense publicized the advanced deeds of the "Most beautiful sci-tech workers". This is also a specific action of carrying out the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China calling for efforts of sci-tech workers for building China into a strong country in science and technology.

Ma Yitong, Deng Jinghui, Liu Zhongmin, Li Guike, Li Desheng, Chen Zhang, Fan Daidi, Ke Weidong, Yuan Shougen, Tang Limei, altogether 10 people who come from the scientific and production frontlines won the title of the “Most beautiful sci-tech workers”.

Some of them make unremitting efforts for independent innovation and have achieved breakthroughs of core technologies in key fields; Some promote the transformation of scientific achievements into production to ensure the nation’s energy security; Some work tirelessly to breed and promote high-yielding crop varieties; Some have served long-term endeavor in the nation’s frontiers to take care of the lives and health of the people; Some are engaged in national defense research and devote themselves to the security of the motherland...

They are outstanding practitioners of the Spirit of Chinese Scientists. They are narrating China’s innovative stories with their persisted efforts and great inner strength.

The release ceremony was held at the China Media Group (CMG), where a video clip of the advanced deeds of the 10 sci-tech workers was livestreamed on the spot. In the video clip, the 10 sci-tech professionals told their own stories from different perspectives. And they were awarded certificates by responsible officers of the organizing agencies.