

Wan Gang and Han Jun congratulate 25th Annual Meeting of CAST

Date:2023-10-25 15:43:58 Views:515

Co-sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology, and under the theme of “Innovation leads self-reliance and strengthening -- creating a source of high-quality sci-tech innovation”, the 25th Annual Meeting of CAST was held in Hefei, capital city of eastern China’s Anhui Province.

Wan Gang, president of CAST, and Han Jun, secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, attended the keynote speeches session and delivered speeches respectively.

The keynote speeches session was jointly presided over by He Junke, executive secretary of the leading Party members group, vice president in charge of daily work and chief executive secretary of the Secretariat of CAST, and Gao Hongjun, vice president of CAST and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

In his speech, Wan Gang stated that in the face of a new round of technological revolution and rapid industrial transformation, it is in great urgency to strengthen the function of science and technology as the source of innovation, and it is in great urgency to promote coordinate development of education, sci-tech innovation and talent cultivation.

Wan advocated open science and open source innovation to initiate multi-level, wide-ranging and constructive dialogue among  entities of industry, education and research worldwide to implement the Belt and Road Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Action Plan and build an open innovation ecosystem with world influence.

Han Jun noted in his speech that the 25th annual meeting of CAST is a grand event in both Chinese sci-tech circles and Anhui Province. Anhui is in great need of innovation-driven development, sci-tech empowerment, and talent support more than ever before.

Han expressed his hope that CAST could rally academicians and experts to meet the needs of the province with their professional expertise, helping Anhui become a pioneer in technological and industrial innovation.

At the keynote session, Gao Hongjun, on behalf of CAST, released the top 10 science, engineering, and industrial challenges of 2023.

Li Ruxin, secretary of the Party Committee of and academician of the CAS, Wu Weiren, chief designer of the Chinese lunar exploration project and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), Hu Jinbo, president of the Shanghai Branch of the CAS, and researcher of the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry of the CAS, Chen Wei, vice president of CAST, researcher of the Academy of Military Sciences and academician of the CAE, Lu Chaoyang, professor of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), and Liu Qingfeng, president of iFLYTEK, delivered keynote speeches respectively focusing on topics of the development of powerful lasers and accelerators, the status and future of deep space exploration in China, the latest advances and future prospects of functional molecules and materials, research and development of vaccine and public safety, and the latest quantum technologies.